Years and a small fortune – nay, make that a laaarge fortune to you and me – have been spent; ministers have neglected their other duties, to pursue all-important nuclear negotiations; and all they have to show for all that is... a verbal agreement??? One that the parties already ‘remember’ in at least three different, conflicting ways? Now, think hard: when was the last time a grave international dispute was resolved through a verbal agreement? International treaties are long, carefully worded legal documents, signed with ceremony by leaders and ratified by parliaments. A verbal agreement? Seriously???
Folks, we are being taken for a ride; they’re playing us for fools, with ‘fact-sheets’ meant only to hide the ‘agreement’s’ blatant non-existence; its being but a figment of deceitful minds. In reality, after months and years of negotiations – there is no agreement; nothing beyond a loose, vague, reversible, oral ‘understanding’ on some bare-bones ‘principles’. That’s a truth politicians thought best to keep from us, ordinary Joes. What a brazen hoax! What incredible chutzpah! How they mock our honesty, our genuine trust!
And it’s not just sordid politicians, these mollusks who make a living (and a good one, too!) from falsehood and deceit; it’s also regimented ‘journalists’, the politicians’ intellectual prostitutes; those swiftly mobilised to prop up the fraud. Take, for instance, Time Magazine’s Joe Klein: he has already produced at least two 'articles' – two shameless pieces of Soviet-style propaganda – praising the verbal ‘framework’ (which he dubs, of course, ‘the agreement’ or ‘the deal’) as the best thing since sliced bread. Just in case someone should doubt his ‘expertise’ in Middle Eastern affairs, Klein starts by brandishing his ‘Jewish’ credentials, informing readers that he’s just celebrated Passover Seder with his friend Ramin
"an Iranian leprechaun, if such a thing is possible – born a Muslim but converted to Judaism…"Needless to say, the personal opinion of this starry-eyed ‘Iranian leprechaun’ (who, we are informed, “does favor regime change, but through peaceful means”) is harnessed to serve Klein’s ‘argument’ – or rather is employed in-lieu of an argument. After all, as a mercenary pen-wielder, Klein’s ‘conclusions’ are pre-determined by ideological fixations. So why bother to perform research or interview some genuine authority? Much easier to pen an article based on casual conversations with friends over chicken soup and matzo balls!
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Joe Klein, the 'resident Jew' in charge of propaganda |
So what’s gonna happen now? Well, not much: they will continue to negotiate ‘the details’ of an as-yet non-existent agreement. The new deadline is June 30. But don’t worry – it will be extended, of course. After all, the old deadline (March 31, the ‘deadline’ for the ‘framework’ concocted on April 2!) was itself an extension of the extension… Eventually, some sort of agreement may emerge; or the whole thing might just fizzle out, as the world’s attention turns to some other crisis. Ukraine, perhaps; or Yemen; or South China Sea…
In truth, it makes no difference if an agreement is signed or not; it’s all the same if you judge it to be a good deal or a bad one; it does not matter whether, like Klein, you’re stupid enough to trust the ayatollahs’ regime to abide by any agreement. In general, it makes absolutely no difference what you or I think; or what Klein thinks, or what Barack-effing-Obama thinks. What really matters – the only thing that matters, folks – is what people in the Middle East think. Not all people, of course, just those few people in power. And we know what they think: not one of them trusts the ayatollahs; not one of them puts his faith in the likes of Obama, John Kerry and François Hollande. And why would they? Aren't these just foolish Westerners, weaklings who want to ‘lead from behind’? Hasn't their ilk already allowed North Korea to get The Bomb?
Says Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s main foreign policy spokesman:
"I've always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same. So if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it's not just Saudi Arabia that's going to ask for that. The whole world will be an open door to go that route without any inhibition, and that's my main objection to this..."
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Obama re-assuring the (now dead and buried) King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia |
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Another good friend: former Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak |
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